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jawline definition treatments calgary


The year of the jaw: Non-Surgical Jaw Treatments

Jawlines are a facial feature you might have never thought about, but subtle tweaks to a jawline can dramatically change, define, and reverse-age a face. If you’ve ever noticed someone looking different—good different—but you can’t quite put your finger on why it could very well be thanks to a non-surgical jaw treatment. >>  


The jawline needs to appear in harmony with the mouth, chin, and neck, so a deep understanding and commitment to facial symmetry is key to sculpting a defined and taut jawline that fits naturally with the rest of the face as a whole.

We utilize several different treatments to target aging or ill-defined jawlines, depending on the needs of our patients. Every treatment begins with a consultation to address the patient’s desired outcome, and from there, we work to find a treatment plan that best meets those expectations.

Curious about defining and reverse-aging your jawline? Continue reading for our go-to treatment options, and email or call today to book your complimentary consultation.

Treating the Jawline with Injectables

Injectables are a quick and effective way to sculpt the jawline. By adding volume to specific areas, angles can be accentuated to create the desirable “chiseled” jaw while aging skin is restored to its fuller appearance. Treatments occur over the course of weeks to months in order to achieve a gradual, natural-looking shift.

One of our most popular jawline injectables is RADIESSE® and RADIESSE® (+). They are the first and only calcium hydroxylapatite injectables. Calcium hydroxylapatite, or CaHA, stimulates the natural production of collagen and elastin, providing immediate and long-term results.

Using Neuromodulators to Define Jawlines

Botox is a unique treatment for defining jawlines. Similar to its usage in firming muscles elsewhere in the face to prevent fine lines and wrinkles, Botox prevents the muscles around the jaw from contracting. Over time, the muscle weakens and softens. As the muscles under the skin change shape, so does the jawline. It’s truly an art form!

Ultherapy: A Non-Invasive Approach to Sculpting the Jawline

Ultherapy is a non-invasive treatment to minimize fat pockets that develop along the jawline. This stubborn zone is pretty resistant to weight loss, so it’s one of the more common areas patients require help with.

Using sound wave energy, muscles below the skin are stimulated to contract and shrink, resulting in a slimmer, firmer jawline.

Natural Treatments to Help Define Your Jawline

Along with the non-invasive treatments shared above, incorporating facial yoga and lymphatic drainage massage into your regular skincare ritual can help treat areas of over-fullness or weakening skin. Facial yoga can help build muscle to further define your jawline, and just like a regular yoga practice for the body, it keeps the muscles toned and “limber” (read: youthful!). Lymphatic drainage massage reduces inflammation and naturally stimulates the circulation of oxygen-rich blood to the face and jaw, resulting in healthier, glowing skin.

Knowing the treatment options available to you is important for understanding the process and what you can expect, but only a professional can make objective recommendations on what treatment plan is best to achieve the results you’d like to see. Call or email us today to book yourself a complimentary consultation and learn more about our treatment options for creating a slim, contoured jawline.


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