Skinpossible Dermapue chaparral calgary



What does a CoolSculpting or SculpSure consultation involve?

Skinpossible’s Answer: 
A body contouring treatment begins with a consultation. One of our CoolSculpting and SculpSure experts will sit with you in the privacy of one of our consultation rooms and give you all the information you need to make an informed decision. We will show you before and after photos of what we have achieved for some of our other patients (who have given us permission to show their photos) and let you know if you are a candidate. Based on which areas of your figure or physique you wish to have treated we can map out a treatment plan that will fit your goals, schedule, and budget.

coolsculpting assessment calgary

There are so many body contouring treatments. Which one works best?

Skinpossible’s Answer: 
There are a lot of non-surgical body contouring treatments! Some use various methods to rupture the fat but leave the fat cell intact so results are only temporary. Others attempt to destroy the fat with heat. Some dissolve fat with injections. Some of these treatments hurt. Some put the skin and surrounding tissues at risk, and some can cause contour irregularities if not done properly. Some simply don’t work, but some actually work very well! Skinpossible offers or has offered several and from our experience, CoolScultping is STILL the best. It’s clinically proven to get rid of the most fat!

candidate for coolsculpting

Will I lose weight after my Body Contouring treatment?

Skinpossible’s Answer: 
Prior to starting your treatment we will weigh you and take photos of the treatment areas from a variety of angles. These baseline photos provide a record to refer back to for comparison purposes at the time of your post-treatment follow-up. Since a single pound of fat is the size of a pound of butter, weight-loss is not the goal. In fact, the best before and after examples of CoolSculpting and SculpSure results will show little or no weight change. If the weight has not changed significantly, the fat-loss is clearly a result of the treatment, not weight-loss resulting from diet or exercise.

coolsculpting clinic calgary

Does SculpSure work better than CoolSculpting? Are there fewer risks?

Skinpossible’s Answer: 
No, the few studies that have been done on Sculpsure have shown that up to 24% of treated fat could potentially clear. Unfortunately, the average is significantly lower. Over 90 clinical studies have been done on CoolSculpting and have proven that an average of 25% of treated fat will clear per treatment. Based on our own experience with both, CoolSculpting is much less uncomfortable than SculpSure during the treatment. You will be sore for a few days after both treatments. We have not seen nodules or burns after CoolSculpting. Other risks are extremely rare.

abdomen fat reduction treatment


What does CoolSculpting feel like? Does it hurt? 

Skinpossible’s Answer: 
The area(s) being treated will feel cool, not intensely cold, for approximately 5-10 minutes, a sensation that subsides as the area(s) becomes numb. Then you feel nothing. After the gel pad and applicator are removed, the treatment area is massaged for two minutes. This brief massage can be uncomfortable, but most people tolerate it well. After the treatment, the area will feel sore for a few days. Some patients experience redness, minor bruising, tingling, or numbness in the treated area(s), but this is temporary and will resolve completely.

coolsculpting treatment calgary

What is the purpose of the massage after CoolSculpting and SculpSure treatments? 

Skinpossible’s Answer: 
When the tissue has been frozen, returning it to room temperature quickly causes further damage. In the case of CoolSculpting, the 2-minute massage done by the technician immediately after the treatment improves efficacy significantly! It need only be done once but is an important part of maximizing CoolSulpting results. The purpose of the daily 5-10 minute self-massage after SculpSure is to reduce the risk of nodule formation, which is common due to the inflammatory response that makes the SculpSure treatment effective. It also helps any nodules that do form resolve faster.

coolsculpting calgary-consultation

When will I see results? Will the fat be gone permanently? 

Skinpossible’s Answer: 
In this regard SculpSure and CoolSculpting are comparable. The fat cells clear gradually through the body’s natural processes. You may start noticing a difference at about the four-week mark, at which time the second round can usually be performed in the case of SculpSure. With CoolSculpting, the most dramatic results occur after about 8 weeks. A follow-up visit approximately 12 weeks after completion of either treatment will allow us to take photos for comparison purposes and see the before and after results side-by-side. The fat cells that have been removed will be permanently gone!

coolsculpting results
*results may vary

Can I have CoolSculpting and SculpSure at the same time at Skinpossible? 

Skinpossible’s Answer: 
Absolutely! At this clinic, because we have both, you can have both treatments at the same time. Your consultant will make recommendations on the best possible treatment plan utilizing either or both of these two remarkable non-invasive body-contouring technologies. Skinpossible has every shape and size of the cooling device so we can freeze fat on the inner thighs, saddlebags, muffin tops, love handles, back fat, banana rolls, male chest fat, under the chin, knees, almost anywhere! SculpSure allows us to expand our body contouring versatility even further. We truly are Calgary’s body contouring experts!

sculpsure coolsculpting calgary


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