Skinpossible Dermapue chaparral calgary


Because sun avoidance for several weeks prior and several months after is required for the treatment of stretch marks. Loose skin and stretchmarks often occur in unison but the two conditions do not necessarily go hand-in-hand. One can appear without the other. Skinpossible’s body rejuvenation treatments utilize two lasers to provide customized combinations that can tighten skin, improve the appearance of stretch marks, or address both concerns simultaneously:

Body Skin Tightening: 

Three modalities are used to stimulate collagen production at three depths: 

• Stimulates collagen production 
• Targets deeper skin imperfections 
• Restores even skin tone 
• Smooths the surface of the skin 
• Fast, comfortable and non-invasive 
• Lengthy sun avoidance not required 

Stretch Mark Reduction: 

Treating stretch marks in the absence of loose skin involves two modalities that work together: 

• Tightens skin to reduce laxity inside the stretch marks themselves 
• Diminishes pigment in red stretch marks
• Fades white stretch marks 

Tightening and Stretch Mark Combination: 

When loose skin and stretch marks appear together two modalities are used in unison to provide the benefits of both the skin tightening and stretch mark treatment combined. 

• Safe and effective for fair, medium or dark skin

Can these treatments restore your skin to the way it looked before? Maybe. It depends on the degree of laxity and scarring. To find out if you are a candidate call and book a consultation. Our style of consultation is relaxed and educational. We will tell you what the treatments can do and what they cannot do. We will give you all the information you need to make an informed decision.


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